Arizmendi Bakery Lakeshore Remodel

Oakland, CA


The Bakery was Bursting at the Seams

This beloved bakery had gotten so popular there were often lines out the door onto Oakland’s busy Lakeshore Avenue. Once inside it was difficult for customers to navigate between self-service areas, fellow customers and the service counter. Workspace for bakers was equally cramped. Levitch designed and built a complete remodel for the space.

Award Winning



Arizmendi Floor Plan Before
Arizmendi Floor Plan After
Study model of proposed layout to visualize new space
Arizmendi Bakery – front looking towards rear
Arizmendi Service Counter before
Arizmendi old customer area
Bakery customer area before
Baking area before
New walk-in refrigerator
Custom trash enclosure
New tables in progress
New custom self-service pastry cases
New service counter in progress
New custom stainless steel for baking area
New curved soffit in progress
Front service counter and soffit in progress
New sink and counter
New bench seating in progress

Completed Project

Remodeled seating and customer area at Arizmendi Bakery
Remodeled Arizmendi Bakery
Remodeled Arizmendi Bakery
Remodeled Arizmendi Bakery
Remodeled Arizmendi Bakery

Project Details

Location: Oakland, CA

Year Built: 2018-2021

  •  Levitch worked closely with the owners, a cooperative, to reorganize and reconfigure all spaces for better work and traffic flow within the same footprint.
  • To allow for funding over time as well as intense periods of construction during scheduled bakery closures, many over national holidays, the construction occurred in three phases from back to front.
  • The first phase included creating a walk-in refrigerator at the rear courtyard and an ADA compliant Restroom.
  • Phases two and three reconfigured and improved baking areas, created a larger customer area, added new flooring, lighting and other finishes.
  • Previous cases had been hard to open when the bakery was crowded, so our work also included custom casework for self-service access to baked goods and a new curved service counter. The soffit above mirrors the arc of the service counter and offers space for menu boards and other items for sale.
  • New seating and tables are fabricated from reclaimed lumber and steel tubing, and there is a new customer handwash station.
  • This project earned NARI’s (National Association of the Remodeling Industry) award for Best Commercial Interior in 2021.


Photography by Treve Johnson