Danville Living Area Makeover

Danville, CA


Levitch remodels Kitchen and Family Room by updating flooring and windows and adding a new breakfast Nook to modernize this 1970s East Bay home.



Danville Living Area Makeover
Danville Living Area Makeover
Danville Living Area Makeover
Danville Living Area Makeover
Danville Living Area Makeover
Danville Living Area Makeover
Danville Living Area Makeover

Completed Project

Danville Living Area Makeover Dining to windows
Danville Living Area Makeover Dining to Kitchen
Danville Living Area Makeover Nook to Kitchen
Danville Living Area Makeover Kitchen
Danville Living Area Makeover Kitchen to Nook
Danville Living Area Makeover Family to Kitchen
Danville Living Area Makeover Wallpapered Bath
Danville Living Area Makeover Laundry

Project Details

Location: Danville, CA

Year Built: 2015

Levitch created a master plan for these clients. The family wanted to enhance their 1970s home’s style and quality while reconfiguring the living space and improving its energy efficiency.

  • We remodeled the living areas including the Family Room and Kitchen, and replaced flooring throughout the main level.
  • At the Kitchen we also updated the windows and layout including a new built-in bench and breakfast Nook to better suit the family’s everyday needs.
  • The breakfast Nook allows for a less formal eating environment compared to the Dining Room with its soaring ceilings.
  • Levitch coordinated with a cabinet maker per the owner’s request.
  • Other main floor work includes relocating the laundry machines and adding cabinets in the Garage after removing popcorn ceiling.
  • We also remodeled the second-floor Bathroom.


Photography by Treve Johnson