
Light neutral colors and metal balance warm wood tones in this Kitchen, Living, and Bathroom remodel of a 1980s family home.





Completed Project

Updating 1980s Family Home open living area
Updating 1980s Family Home Dining to Kitchen
Updating 1980s Family Home Kitchen
Updating 1980s Family Home entry + stairs
Updating 1980s Family Home double vanity
Updating 1980s Family Home shower with bench
Updating 1980s Family Home Bathroom blue tile

Project Details

Location: Oakland, CA

Year Built: 2016

Our client is the original owner of this 1980s home. Now her daughter and family are the primary residents and it was time for an update while maintaining the design integrity of the home.

  • We remodeled the Kitchen​, which is part of an open living area that also includes Dining and Living spaces, where we replaced the existing fireplace
  • We remodeled the Master Bathroom and another Bathroom, borrowing space from the adjacent Bedroom closet to add a tub, and creating a new closet for the affected Bedroom
  • ​We installed new flooring on the Main Floor and interior stairway, with new wood-capped metal railings at the stairs
  • We restored three decks and replaced railings at the front and rear of the home
  • We replaced all of the windows and skylights and the Garage door to meet the Owner’s need to improve the home’s energy efficiency. Levitch also replaced the roof and painted the exterior

Overall, light neutral paint colors and the new metal railing balance warm wood tones at the ceiling, floor, and Bathroom vanities.


Photography by Treve Johnson